Unfortunately Dr. Tahler is not taking private clients at this time

Interested in scheduling an appointment with Dr. Tahler? Clink 'contact us' in the upper right hand corner and she will respond with you as soon as she can. If this is an emergency situation please call 9-1-1 or go to your nearest emergency room. 

Dr. Tahler is fluent in American Sign Language and welcomes all clients who identify as having a disability 


Competency areas

  • Sexual or gender minority clients (LGBTQ+ and Intersex)

  • Geriatric population

  • Those suffering from, or adjusting to medical illness or injury

  • Smoking cessation

  • General medical adherence or behavior change (diabetes management, weight loss, adherence to medication)

  • Veterans

  • Testing for medical purposes (bariatric, pre-transplant, hormones etc)

  • Testing for school services (mainly focuses on D/deaf and hard of hearing populations)

  • BDSM/POLY/ Non-monogamous individuals, couples, or families

  • Families and couples

  • Insomnia and other sleep disturbances

  • Pain Management


non-profit partnerships 

if you are looking to add psychological services to your non-profit please contact us and we will set-up a meeting. Each partnership is specially catered to the direct needs of each non-profit and their clients. It is a wonderful alternative to referring blind or hiring a full time mental health professional. TPS can also work in conjunction with current mental health staff on particular cases or needs along with manage administrative work.